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Who Are We? The Allis Family

Ryan, Morgan, and Baby Apollo in Costa Rica in June 2023

Hi, I’m Ryan. My wife is Morgan, and our baby is Apollo. We are Americans living the remote work digital nomad dream. We live most of the year in Nosara, Costa Rica, and work on what inspires us.

You’ll find us writing, making art, creating courses, and creating communities and festivals for our friends.

I work from my laptop these days, mostly writing books, creating the Magic Year course, and training coaches who coach high achievers. Morgan is working on building Nosara into a magic town of art, connection, nature, and play -- and convincing all our friends to move here too!

On the side, we’re also occasional sex coaches. Not really professionally. But for our friends (and friends of friends) who are in relationships where they’ve lost a little spark. We come into the bedroom and help guide couples to regain polarity and the magic spark and inspiration that come from passionate, frequent sex. We enjoy doing that occasionally -- as well as attending “temple parties” which are adult sensual play parties.

Our shared purpose/dharma as a couple is to help reimagine how human beings live, love, learn, and play -- and to share the lessons we learn as we live an “alternative lifestyle” of semi-nomadic and sensual living. We’re literally on this planet on a shared mission to pioneer a new way of living and help people realize that magic can be real.

We feel very lucky to live this type of life -- and we know it is possible for you too. We met at the Burning Man festival in 2018.

We used to live in Los Angeles, Boulder, and Austin. Today, we use geoarbitrage to keep our costs low -- living globally for much less than we would spend to live in America year round.

Geoarbitrage - Earning your income from one place and then working remotely in another country where costs are much lower. (Example: earning American pay rates but rotating between Bali, Thailand, & Costa Rica.)

We like to cap the amount of time we spend in the USA at 25% of our time. The energy in America is usually a little dense for us. By keeping our time in the USA capped at 90 days per year -- it keeps us continually learning, growing, and experimenting -- and giving our son an extraordinary education based on the pillars of curiosity, play, nature, and adventure. Apollo’s already lived in four countries (Indonesia, Costa Rica, Australia, and the USA) and he’s just two. He goes to an outdoor daycare with domes and yurts, and he’s about to start soon at a bilingual outdoor play-focused Waldorf school near Nosara. We love to be where there are very interesting, globally-minded and health conscious people -- and full of fantastic flexible-schedule adventures and curiosity-based Montessori or Waldorf based schools.

We plan to raise our children in many different countries — exposing them to a variety of cultures and ways of living. We’re adventurous, inspired, and are here to live a beautiful life. We created and now host an annual Family Festival in Costa Rica called LuvBubble as well as our in-person retreats that focus on teaching the lessons of this book. You’re invited to join us for one of these someday.

While I wrote 95% of the words in the book, Morgan inspired at least half of the ideas in this book, especially those around the topic of joy, pleasure, and play.

We’re writing this book for people who have a different way of living calling out to them. This book is for people who have an inner voice in their soul that says, “There’s more out there.”

If that's you -- grab a copy of the book here...

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