Key Outcomes of The 12 Week Program
A supportive and uplifting community, a massive life upgrade, and the following weekly outcomes
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Week 1 - Purpose
An Inspiring Written Purpose That You Love - Write down your purpose for the next 3-5 years of your life in 15 words or less. Make sure it’s easy to remember, easy to understand, and inspiring to you and others,
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Week 2 - Goals
Written Goals and Framed One Page Life Plan -Write down your lifetime, five year, 1 year, and 90 gay goals. Also be sure you’ve created and framed and hung up your One Page Life Plan (OPLP) using our template.
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Week 3 - Habits
List of Habits You’re 100% Committed To - Make a list of all the habits you’re 100% committed to keeping on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Commit to them fully. Share them with a friend or partner. Hold yourself fully accountable to them. Reward yourself when you achieve them consistently.
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Week 4 - People
Define Your Uplifting Inner Circle - Make a list of the 10 people (friends, family, colleagues, and mentors) who you would want to be spending the most time with if you were optimizing for growth, joy, learning, and happiness. Then actually adjust your life so that those are the 10 people you spend the most time with.
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Week 5 - Happiness
Install the Growth Mindset - Going forward, choose to see the challenges that happen to you as happening “for you” instead of happening “to you.” See the platinum linings on all the hardships and difficulties you encounter. Take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life and choose to take the Vow of Unconditional Happiness.
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Week 6 - Health
Create a Personalized Magic Morning Routine - Write down and 100% commit to a magic morning routine for yourself based on what is going to make you most ready to be present, happy, productive, creative, and ready to have rocking and positive days every day. Then do this routine every single day, seven days per week, for the next 30 days.
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Week 7 - Money
Create a Personal Financial Plan - Use the templates in this chapter to create a personal financial plan that shows your current monthly income and expenses by major category, your current assets and liabilities, and your target monthly income, expenses, assets, and liabilities 36 months from now.
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Week 8 - Community
Living Where You Love, With People You Love - Do a location assessment for your life. Are you living in a town/city you love to live in? Do you have a core tribe of epic inspiring friends who are encouraging? Is this where your partner/spouse wants to be living? If not, consider visiting and then potentially moving to a place filled with inspiring, health conscious, and caring people.
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Week 9 - Love
Create Your Relationship Vision - Create a written 1+ page description of the vision you have for your current or future romantic relationship. Where do you want to live? Do you want children? What is the purpose of your relationship? What do you want to create together? What are your shared values?
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Week 10 - Sex
Creating Your Weekly Sensuality Temple - If you have a regular sexual partner, schedule a 2-3 hour weekly sensual temple with them. We recommend Sunday afternoons or evenings. Be sure to get a babysitter lined up if you have younger kids. Set up your bedroom for optimal delight. Get rid of all expectations and just massage and touch each other to start and see what emerges.
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Week 11 - Family
Write Your Family Vision & Values Statement - Working together with your partner (and kids if old enough), do a visioning exercise where you each write down what you want to achieve over the next ten years. Then print it up and frame it in the house. Do a new one every two years -- keeping the original ones behind the new one in the frame so you can see how your family’s dreams evolve over time.
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Week 12 - Awakening
Schedule a Vipassana or Ayahuasca Journey - Do your research, then choose one of these life changing adventures (or both). Sign up for the next available Ayahuasca journey through our recommended partner or the next available 10-day silent Vipassana meditation.